Make Moon Water to Help You Sleep and Work Your Chakras

Make Moon Water to Help You Sleep and Work Your Chakras

Make Moon Water to Help You Sleep and Work Your Chakras
Are you having trouble sleeping? Here is a quick thing I like to do to help me sleep better and a bonus tip for your chakra balancing.
Tonight in the moonlight, put out jugs of water to make Moon
🌝 water. (Most potent is a day before, during or after the full moon!)
You’ll set the intention for it to be your sleep helper. I intend for it to give me energy in the day, and a sleep-filled night.
If you have a big piece of amethyst or quartz you can put it in the water too. Make sure you take it out after it’s charged so you don’t swallow it.
Or take little pieces in an organza bag and drop that in. Just be careful if they are small. (Count how many you have in the bag and make sure they all come back out)
Leave it out in the full moon and the full strength of the sun the following day which is high noon.
It’s okay if it rains on it and you can’t see the moon. Mama Killa is there, trust in that! She will work her magic.
This will be one more thing in your magical toolbox to sleep.
Meanwhile, if you know of a chakra you want to work can get natural food coloring to color the water to that chakra. If you want to avoid natural food coloring, you can buy "colored film sheets." Wrap these around the water bottle according to what colored chakra you would like to work with. Infuse the moonlight with your color and your intentions. Here are some suggestions for you.
Colors and Meanings:
Red for the Root Chakra
If you want more safety, security, stability and foundation.
Orange for the Sacral Chakra
If you want more creative energy and to work on anything related to your sexual health.
Yellow for the Solar Plexus
If you want to work on your self-esteem, pleasure, and personal power.
Green for the Heart
If you want to work on love, self-love and relationships.
Light Blue for the Throat
If you want to work on the ability to speak your truth clearly and effectively.
Indigo for the Third Eye
If you want to increase your intuition and open up your ability to see the unseen realms.
Violet for the Crown
If you want to work on getting into higher states of consciousness and connected to the Divine Source of all that is.
Everytime you take a sip of your delicious moonwater, say a little affirmation to yourself on what you are trying to manifest. Remember, every cell in your body is always listening. Infuse them with everything GOOD.
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